JCSM Shareware Collection 1996 September
JCSM Shareware Collection (JCS Distribution) (September 1996).ISO
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101BIZ_A.ZIP 175708 08-11-94 101 Computer related businesses
900_BOOK.ZIP 17544 01-13-95 How to make money with 900#s and INTERNT
CASHDISK.ZIP 91535 01-27-95 The Amazing Cash Disk offers
| a complete home business on disk;
| allows you to turn your PC into
| a spare-time money maker. But
| you don't even need a computer,
| or any PC skills to use it! Also
| presents additional home business
| opportunities, plus a charming
| novella on disk. To run, from
| DOS prompt, type "begin"[enter]
HOME1.ZIP 145750 05-12-94 Allows you to track and organize an entire
| household or office of belongings. It has
| many uses, such as cataloging books, CD's
| videos; tracking active/inactive warranties;
| tracking serial numbers of electronics,
| appliances, valuables and collectables, etc.
| This is the only program you'll be glad to
| see in the event of having to file household
| insurance claims! Allows unlimited owners,
| locations/rooms and categories.
INT234.ZIP 150953 04-16-94 THE INTEREST ANALYZER v2.34 [ASP] produces
| professional schedules and illustrations for
| savings, annuities, loans, mortgages and
| depreciation. Flexible with variable depos-
| its, withdrawals, payments, interest rates,
| and compound methods. Tax analysis, COLA,
| loan acceleration. Solve for calculators.
| Save and restore multiple clients. Side by
| Side comparisons. Illustration detail is
| monthly - annual, calendar or fiscal.
LOAN210.ZIP 77821 07-21-95 Home Loan Diary - Mortgage diary. Calculates
| how much $$$ you can save by paying a loan
| off early. Like a Lotus spreadsheet yet this
| is a complete program, not a macro.
| Scrollable! Additional principal payments and
| notes can be entered and saved to disk.
| Printouts & calculator available. Simple to
| use! Tracks monthly escrow payments also.
| Earn 1700% on your investment! This program
| will pay for itself within one month.
MLMBOOK1.ZIP 128867 07-05-94 Multi-Level Marketing to make a Million.
PAGER42.ZIP 1802600 04-26-96 Voice Messaging, audio, mail, etc.
PRICE_10.ZIP 55558 02-01-94 WinPrice v1.0 <ASP> - This program selects
| the best pricing between two alternatives. No
| more struggling with the "Is 1 liter of
| GummySlurp for $1.29 a better buy than 1
| gallon for $4.88?" issue!! It automatically
| accounts for differences in the units used in
| the two cases AND will give its results in
| either metric or English units as desired.
| Easy to use - educational for children.
| Windows 3.1 Required - Shareware
STAX94.ZIP 293093 04-17-95 1994 SHARE-TAX/1040 v2.2 <ASP>-Full-featured
| 1040 tax program for individual and paid pre-
| parers. 1040, A, B, C, D, E, EIC, F, R, SE,
| 2106, 2119, 2441, 3903, 4137, 4562, 6251,
| 8606, 8615, 8829 plus worksheets. Printouts
| IRS-approved. LaserJet, DeskJet, dot-matrix
| graphic 1040. Enter data in any order, any-
| time. Pulldown menus, mouse-aware, on-line
| help & install program. $19 Shareware.
| Registrants sent 1995 diskette when ready.
TPLABEL.ZIP 86930 05-31-94 Create Mailing Labels 1 to 1000